General Rules

1. It is compulsory for all students to speak only in English within the School Campus and while travelling by the School Buses (except in Hindi, Assamese and Sanskrit Classes).
2. Parents are welcome to meet the Director/Principal on any working day with prior appointment.
3. Parents are welcome to send email to the school at for any query and/or suggestion/complaint. The School Authority is committed to look into their concerns.
4. Parents are encouraged to interact with the Class Teacher (of their children) regularly. Parents can meet the Class Teacher on any working day after class hours. Parents are not allowed to meet their wards or the teachers during class hours.
5. Students are required to wear School uniform daily. On the day of games and sports (as per the Time Table) children will be wearing Sports Uniform. Variation in Shades, colour and pattern will not be permitted. For this purpose,the school has arranged counter for selling School Uniforms and stationary (On a No Profit, No Loss basis).

6. Identity Card will be issued to every child which is to be worn each day. In case of loss, duplicate card will be issued at a cost of Rs.200/- (without lanyard and with lanyard and card holder Rs.250/-) , which will be debited from the student's Imprest Account.
7. Students will have to attain at least 80% attendance to be allowed to sit for the Session End Examination.
8. Students of classes Pre-Nursery to class VI are not allowed to wear Wrist Watches, If they do so, it will be confiscated and will be returned only at the end of the Academic Session.
9. No jewellery/valuables are allowed to be worn / brought to the School by either boys or girls. Girls may wear one pair of ear studs only. The School will not be responsible for any loss of jewellery /valuables, if this rule is violated the same will be confiscated.
10. Boys should sport crew cuts. Girls are to wear pony tails, if they have shoulder length hair. If they have long hair, it is to be plaited. Hair bands, ribbons, hair grips etc. should be Black in colour.
11. Nails should be trimmed properly for both boys and girls. No nail polish, mehendi, hair colour, body tattoos, kajal, eyeliner, lipstick is permitted. Students found violating this rule will not be permitted to attend classes and disciplinary actions will be initiated against the defaulters.
12. Students are not permitted to bring and use cell phone, pen-drive, camera, i-pad, MP3 players or any electronic gadget in the school campus and during travel by School Buses. If any of the above mentioned articles are found with any student, it will be confiscated and the student in possession of such item would face duscuplinary action as per the Rules and Regulation of the school.
13. Parents are requested to send only toffees to celebrate their child's birthday. Please refrain from sending Birthday cakes/pastry or any other items facny items.
14. Cafeteria: During recess/break time, scholars may use the cafeteria which will provide snacks/eatables/juice only. In Lunch box, students should bring healthy food and avoid junk foods.
15. School Transport:
a) School Bus facility is available as an additional facility that may be availed on payment of the prescribed Transportation Fee.
b) To avail school transportation, the Transportation Form(available in the booklet) has to be filled up and payment has to be made as stipulated.
c) Transportation through School Bus can be discontinued only after forwarding an application for the same to the School Authority. However, there will be no refund of the conveyance fee already paid.
16. Parents/Guardians are requested to drop their wards at the main gate by 7:40 a.m. The Morning Assembly will begin from 7:45 a.m. Students arriving late will not be allowed to enter the school premises.
17. Guardians/escorts should carry the Parent's Identity whenever they come to collect their ward after the School is over at the School Gate or at the bus stop. This is compulsory for all students.
18. Health & Hygiene:
a) The school has a well-organized infirmary managed by trained medical staff to attend injury and acute ailments.
b) In case of a serious medical emergency, the student will be taken to the nearest hospital. Parents will be informed immediately. Medical expenses in such cases are to be borne by the parents.
19. Please note that no child may be taken home during school hours unless there is an emergency (In such a case the School Authority may be approached for permission).
20. In case your child is unwell and not fit enough for attending classes or taking up class-assignment/ project/ assessment, Please send a leave application with Medical Certificate/ Prescription for follow up to class teacher, addressed to Principal
21. Syllabus & Courses offered:
a) The School pursues best academic and Co-academic curriculum.
b) 1st Language- English (compulsory subject for all the classes and is the medium of instruction)
c) 2nd Language- Hindi/Assamese from class I to VIII
d) 3rd Language- Hindi/Assamese/ Sanskrit for class VI to VIII
e) Other Subjects- EVS, Mathematics, Social Science, General Science, Personality Development, Value Education, GK, Computer/Foundation in Information Technology, Robotics, Physical Education, Art & Craft, Performing Art (Dance & Music) etc.
f) For Nursery & KG: Innovative and Experiential curriculum as recommended in the contemporary world.
22. Assessment and Evaluation:
a) The School follows CBSE guidelines in assessing and evaluating the performance of the students.
b) The session is divided into two terms, viz.:
Term-I: From April to September.
Term-II: From October to March.
c) The Students for classes Nursery & KG will be assessed based on the Weekly/Unit/Periodic Assessment and Two Term End Assessments, which will be reflected in their Progress Report Card.
d) The students of classes I onwards will have two Pre-Mid term Assessments, Mid Term Assessments and Annual Assessment.
e) The Term-end Examination will be conducted for 80 Marks per subject and there will be an Internal Assessment of 20 Marks, as recommended by CBSE.
23. School Discipline:
a) Discipline related to day to day school work, behavior and interaction with peers/seniors/juniors/superiors is an essential ingredient of education. As such the School has a Discipline Manual framed in conformity with the laws and recommendations of CBSE. The School Authority will deal with all acts of discipline as per laid down guidelines (in the Discipline Manual) and the decision of the School Authority will be binding for all concerned.
b) All the Do's and Don'ts for the students have been clearly spelt out in the School Almanac.
c) Parents need to ensure that the child abides by the Disciplinary Codes of the School.
d) Students should refrain from activities that damages the School property. Any such damage will be compensated from the Imprest Money of the students kept in the School.
24. Schedule of Fee Payment: Amount, mode and dates as mentioned in the Schedule of Fee payment.
25. Apart from Sundays, vacations, break and Govt. holidays (as mentioned in the calendar of the school almanac), the school shall remain open on 2nd and 4th Saturdays. However, if there are too many holidays ina particular month, the school shall remain open on any one of the Saturday ( the same will be notified from time to time).
26. All the students are expected to be present on the school re-opening days, after each vacation/break. Absence will entail fine unless valid reasons are furnished in writing, duly signed by the parents.
27. Students abstaining themselves for more than a month without Sanctioned Leave (by the school authority) are liable to have their names struk off from the rolls. They will have to take re-admission (if they wish to continue in this school and/or if the school Authority is ready to accept the appeal of the parent), paying Admisson and other fees etc. however, the decision of the school authority will be final and binding in such a case.
28. Irregular attendance, habitual absenteeism, insubordination, misbehavior, obscenity in any form and dishonesty are sufficient reasons for the termination of admission of the student from the School.
29. No leave will be granted except on receiving prior written application submitted at least a day in advance from the parents, explaining genuine and urgent reasons for the same.
30. Students should always carry the School Almanac and parents should carefully go through the same everyday for any special instruction to the child or information for them from the teachers etc.

31. Every student will be assigned an Admission Number and House Name after the confirmation of admission. Kindly refer to this Admission Number for all future correspondence.

32. Parents are requested not to send their child to school if he/she is suffering from any ailment, specially a contagious one.

33. Contact/ Visit/ Meeting:
a) In all matters concerning your child, you are advised to contact the School Authority through the Class Teacher.
b) Parents are advised to write to the Principal/Director directly (or meet him/her personally in case of urgency/serious issue) on any issue pertaining to their child. They can meet the Director/Principal in the School with prior appointment.
c) Parents to please note that Children are not allowed to talk to their parents over phone during School Hours under any circumstance. In case of any emergency, the School Authority will contact the Parents.
32. Medical Facility:
a) The school has an infirmary under the supervision of trained Medical staff. In addition to this the school has arrangements with a local Hospital in Dibrugarh Town, which can be approached for hospitalization, diagnostics and other medical emergencies.
b) All the expenses pertaining to the student's health such as medicine, hospitalization, specialist consultation, special treatments and dignostic charges (in case your child falls ill) are to be borne by the parents as actual.

33. Withdrawal Policy:

Parents desiring of withdrawing their children from the school / hostel should follow the below mentioned guidelines:-

  • Three months' prior notice needs to be given at any time during the session. In lieu of three months notice, parents may pay three months fees (School / Hostel etc.)
  • Withdrawal seeking from new session has to be applied latest by January of the current session.

34. Refund Policy:

  • Admission fee for School and Hostel are not refundable in any circumstances.
  • Annual fee is not refundable if the child attends the school even for a day.
  • Tuition/Transportation fees is/are refundable after deducting the fees for the whole month(s) in which classes are attended by the child either for whole of the month(s) or part of the month.
  • Hostel fee is refundable after deducting the fees for the whole of the month(s) in which the child stays in the hostel either for whole of the month(s) or part of the month.
Note:- The General Rules as contained in the school website will always prevail over the Rules and Regulations mentioned elsewhere.
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"Don’t limit a child to your own learning, for he was born in another time. ~ Rabindranath Tagore "