Middle School

The Middle School education is the time when children are made to strike balance between academic and co-curricular activities.  This is a fast-growing stage where little scholars pick-up everything they come across and thus a very controlled and assessed environment is created to nurture them into better individuals.Inculcating life-skills and values forms the basis of their paradigm of education while letting them be creative in their art and skills. 

Every Child is given enough opportunity to explore their curiosity through Audio-Visual aid of the Smart/Digital Classroom, as well as to stimulate their innovative ideas through participatory classrooms. They are provided with myriad games and sports facilities, well-equipped laboratories and other infrastructural facilities for them to identify their areas of interest and potential. Introduction of formal assessment process is one of the important aspects of these classes which induces seriousness in their education. The Middle School classes brings in discipline, skill development and a thorough academic indulgence for your child's optimal development.

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"A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves.~ Lao Tzu "