
It is the newest of games which keeps us intrigued to learning more in life. At Shiksha Valley School we believe in introducing the newest of all things to children so that they get a first-hand experience of everything possible. Therefore, Billiards game has been made a part of the school’s Indoor Games schedule and also of the curriculum!
Billiards is a popular game which has travelled from Europe and has become a part of many game zones. This game requires a billiard table, two players and a chase between the 11 balls on the table. Stick is used to hit the balls by each player. The game helps the students to practice strategizing, focusing, planning and making moves to win the goal. As much as the game requires patience to be on the winning side, it takes a lot of concentration to beat the opponent in this game. Therefore, Billiards makes us to practice art of life through a game!

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"Seek the wisdom of the ages, but look at the world through the eyes of a child. ~ Ron Wild "